Print out the Assignment Checklist
(for those who like checking boxes!)

Acceptance Action Points
Check your email from with important information and deadlines to accomplish within two weeks of your acceptance!
Complete the Hiring Data checklist
Campus Staff only: Fill out your Placement Preference form once you get an email from a Placement Representative
MPD Pre-work
Please complete the Pre-NSO MPD Assignments in the CORE platform before the start of NSO.
Other Pre-work
Please complete before the start of NSO.
Upload a current casual picture of you and include your name. (use email to log in)
My Cru Benefits
Cru & Risk
My Cru Finances
Read the “Community, Cause, and Corporation” article
- For the following, please read and write down 1-2 observations from each article:
“Cru Statement of Faith”
“Religions Missionary Order”
“Missionary Vows”

If you have any questions, please email your Applicant Liaison or