Cru values families and wants your experience at New Staff Orientation to be a blessing.
Because husbands and wives need to be working together as a team, the conference is designed for both. Both parents are expected to attend and participate. Also, the demands of working on Ministry Partner Development as parents can have unique challenges. To help you get the most out of this time, start planning now to make arrangements for your children during NSO. Families who have done so in the past have shared that they have had a much better experience.
New Staff Orientation can be a very time-intensive process. Be sure to give yourself grace, and know that we are here to serve you. If you would like to discuss the needs of your family or have any questions or concerns, please be sure to contact someone on the New Staff Orientation Team.
If you have any questions, please email your Applicant Liaison or join.us@cru.org.